Preapplication Solo DANCER DATA Surname* Name* Birthplace* Date of birth* Address* City* Zip Code* Country* Nation* Phone* Email* SECTION E CATEGORY Selected section* BalletModern Dance Selected category* Pupils (8-11 years old)Children (12-14 years old)Seniors (15 years old and over) Name of the dance studio CHOREOGRAPHY NOTES Title* Music track* Upload file audio* (MP3 format, max 8 MB | rename the file as NAME_SURNAME.mp3)* Choreographer* Duration* I declare that I have read fully and carefully the regulation of the Competition and, by signing this application, I declare that I accept it in its entirety. Pursuant to the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, I authorize the ASD Breathing Art Company to process, communicate and disseminate my personal data for the purposes referred to in this application for participation in the “San Nicola” International Competition. I also authorize the use of the images for the purposes permitted by law. I also relieve the organization from liability in the event of damage/theft to things and people, independently providing insurance coverage.